How to access

My tickets area

Inside a ticket

Ticket statuses

How to access

To access your personal area in our Help Center you will have to register or activate your account first. Remember that the credentials are not the same as the ones you use to access Zapiens. Check out our article Sign up to see your tickets to register or activate your account.

Once your account is created, click on "Login" in the top menu

  1. On the new page, enter your email address with which you have opened the tickets

  2. Enter your password

  3. Click on "Login"

  4. You're in!

Note: If you prefer, you can log in with your Google Account. Click on the "GOOGLE" button and enter your credentials.

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My tickets area

Once you have logged in, you can access the following sections from the top menu:

  1. Tickets: From here you can manage all your tickets

  2. Edit Profile: You can edit your personal data

  3. Sign out: To leave your ticket area

  4. English: This is the language of the Help Center, also available in Spanish. The language of the Help Center depends on your browser settings. If your browser is in a language other than English or Spanish, the default language will be English 

In the top menu click on "Tickets" to access the list of tickets. In this list you will be able to: 

  1. Search a ticket by keyword in the search bar

  2. Filter the tickets by their status:

    1. All tickets

    2. Open or pending. Here you will find the "Awaiting your reply" and "IT working" tickets

    3. Resolved or closed. Here you will find the "Solved" tickets

  3. Sort the tickets by:

    1. Date created

    2. Last modified

    3. Status

    4. Ascending

    5. Descending

  4. Export the tickets you need:

    1. Click on "Export Tickets"    

    2. Choose the format, CSV or Excel

    3. Choose the date range

    4. Choose the fields you want to export

    5. Click on "Export"

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Inside a ticket

From the ticket list view, click on the ticket you want to manage. Once inside the ticket, you will be able to see:

  1. The subject of the ticket and its identification number that allows us to make a better follow up

  2. Its status: Open, Awaiting your reply, IT working, Resolved or Closed

  3. The buttons:

    1. Reply. To respond to the team

    2. Mark ticket as closed. If you want to close the ticket

    3. Add people to conversation. If you want someone from your organization to have access to the ticket

  4. Interactions with the Customer Care team and the ability to respond to the ticket in the text box

  5. On the right side you can see:

    1. Which agent is working on the ticket

    2. The ticket details

    3. If the ticket is closed, you will be able to answer a satisfaction survey. Thank you for sharing your opinion!

  6. At the top left you can:

    1. Return to the Help Center by clicking on "Welcome to our support"

    2. Return to the ticket list by clicking on "Ticket list"

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Ticket statuses

A ticket can have different statuses. Here is an explanation of each one of them: 

  1. Open: Our team is working on your request.

  2. Awaiting your reply: Our team has contacted you offering a solution or requesting more information in order to manage your request more efficiently 

    • If the information provided is satisfactory you do not need to reply to the ticket, but we always appreciate confirmation that the solution provided has been understood

  3. IT working: Your request needs the intervention of our IT team. We will contact you to inform you about the progress of your request

  4. Resolved: A ticket automatically switches from "Awaiting your reply" to "Resolved" in five working days if we have not received a reply. We understand that the solution provided by our team has been satisfactory and the ticket is automatically resolved

    • We will send you an email telling you that the ticket has been resolved. You can reopen the ticket at any time, simply reply to the email received or write to us through your ticket area

  5. Closed: Within three working days, a ticket in "Resolved" status automatically changes to "Closed" if we do not receive a reply. If you want to reopen the request, please write to us again 

Note: Please check your Spam folder if you do not find the emails.

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