Access a training
Modified on: Wed, 23 Jun, 2021 at 2:22 PM
Training with Zapiens is very simple. Access the App and in the "Home" area you can see your Trainings.
Choose a training and click on the "Training" card or the "Let’s go" button
Click on "Let’s go"
A progress bar will appear at the top of the screen indicating the number of successes achieved in that training
Click on the "Arrow" button at the top left to exit the question

At the end of the daily questions, you will now be able to see a summary of your results and access the following information:
Your training ranking
Summary of your training successes and failures
In addition, in your results summary, you can ask Zap any questions you may have had during the training:
Click on the "Any questions?" button, Zap will welcome you.
Write or record your question.
Click on the blue "Send" button to ask your question.
Select a category.
From your mobile device you can add an image by clicking "Yes" or "No".
Zap will let you know how many "Mastermind" your question has been sent to and the approximate time it will take to receive an answer.
Click "Continue".
Click on the "X" button at the top left to exit Zap.

Note: If you don't know which category the question belongs to, click "I don't know". Zap will tell you that it has not found any "Mastermind" but it will send it to your organisation's administrator.
Note: If the training is active and you still have questions to answer, the button will say "Continue" instead of "Let’s go".
Note: The “That’s all for today!” button indicates that you have answered your daily questions or completed the training. If it appears for several days, it means that the training is still active for your teammates and that you have already finished it. Congratulations!
Note: On the "Training" card you will see: its name, when it ends and the progress bar on the questions that you’ve answered.
Note: If the "Home" area is empty it means that there is no active or scheduled trainings in your organization.
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