A cookie is a piece of text that your browser stores to help it remember your login information, site preferences, etc. If you have problems with our web version, deleting your cookies will reset your preferences to their default values.


        Clear your cookies in Google Chrome

        Clear your cookies in Apple Safari


Clear your cookies in Google Chrome

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser

  2. Click on the "Three-dots vertical" button at the top right

  3. Click on "Settings"

  4. Click on "Privacy and Security"

  5. Click on "Clear browsing data"

  6. Select the "Time range" in which you want to delete the navigation data. We recommend "All time"

  7. Select the checkboxes for the types of information you want to delete, especially "Cookies and other site data"

  8. Click on the "Clear data" button


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Clear your cookies in Apple Safari

  1. Open the Apple Safari browser 

  2. In the menu bar, click on "Safari"

  3. Select "Clear History" from the drop-down menu

  4. Select the "time range" at which you want to clear the navigation data. We recommend "All history”

  5. Click on the "Clear History" button

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