In Zapiens you can set two types of logos for your organization:
Original logo:
Visible at the top left side of the Administration Area
Visible in the footer of the emails you send through the Administration Area
Recommended image dimensions are: 275x50 pixels
Vertical logo:
Visible at the top left of the App
Recommended image dimensions are: 70x70 pixels
Note: We recommend the following image editing tool:
To set your organization's logos, follow these steps:
At the top right of the Administration Area click on the "Drop-down arrow" button
Click on the "Settings" option
Under "General", in the section "Company logo"
Click on the "Select" button
Find the image on your PC and click on the "Open" button
If you make a mistake when selecting the file, click on the “Update or "Delete" button to reselect
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom right of the page
In Zapiens you can set two colours for your organization
Main color: This is the color associated with the Survey and Training cards in the App. To set it:
Add an HTML color code preceded by #. For example, in the case of Zapiens our corporate colors are:
Zap color: This is the color associated with each area of the lower menu of the App when you access each one of them, and the circle around Zap.
The configuration is the same as in "Main Color".